Let's get started..
It is getting that time of year when you are worried about the cold and wind creeping up and cuddling with your baby. I looked all over the internet and in stores for a car seat cover that was practical and cute, without any luck. So of course I decided to make my own.
I made a cover that was cute, practical, and reversible.

This was a really fun project, because I went to Hobby Lobby with my boyfriend and picked out fabric together. In all the stores and online none of the car seat covers were thick enough, or reversible.
Supplies needed:
Fabric - two patterns (1yard each)
Batting (optional)
Rotary pad
Sewing machine
Measuring tape

The picture to the right shows measurements for the project. I leave a half inch on all sides of the fabric for the seams. A more experienced seamstress typically leaves six millimeters for
the seams. I used double layer of batting for my car seat cover, therefore it can also be used as a blanket. You can choose to not use batting or even a single layer. This tutorial describes the process using batting.
Let's get started..
Iron all of your fabric
Your two "starting fabrics" need to be cut to 26"x 38" long
Cut four strips of each pattern into 2 1/2"x 8 1/2" long for the straps
Cut the appropriate size batting for the starting fabric and each pair of straps
Place the starting fabric and straps together with the print on the inside
Align the batting to the appropriate fabric
Bring out those sewing machines..
Start by sewing your straps together on three sides, leaving the top open
Once the straps are sewn together, turn them inside out and sew the top shut
Continue until all the straps are sewn
Sew together your starting fabric on all four sides leaving about three inches at the top open
Turn the starting fabric inside out and sew the top shut. Continue along the entire edge to create a small border (optional)
Now you have all of your fabric pieces ready to be assembled
Constructing the cover..
Use the picture above to reference where the straps need to be placed
Use pins to keep the straps in place
Sew around the pins in a square in the center of the straps
A line needs to be sewn from the sides of the straps to the edge of the fabric to keep the fabric from falling into your babies face (shown with dotted lines on diagram)
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the other side of the starting fabric
Final touches..
Cut a piece of Velcro for both of the straps
Sew the Velcro onto the end of the straps
Sew on any decals to personalize the cover even more
That's it!
Hope you enjoy this tutorial and try creating your own car seat cover.
Check out YouTube for a video tutorial.
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